What was meant to be a fun day by the pool took a drastic turn, becoming every parent's dreaded scenario, as 2-year-old Keshav experienced an accidental near-drowning incident in a hot tub within their residential complex.
“My husband, my eldest son and Keshav were in the pool playing around,” Nishtha, Keshav’s mother, told us. “At this age, Keshav was very curious, going from here to there, constantly searching his surroundings.”
In just a matter of moments, Keshav managed to slip out of his father's view and ended up submerged in the water of a communal hot tub. The hot tub, which was meant to be secured with a locked gate, had been left slightly open. Although Keshav was underwater for a mere two minutes, the consequences were profound, leaving lasting harm on his developing brain.
Keshav poses with his older brother, Daksh.
“At first the doctors could not find a heartbeat, but after some time of doing compressions and a few injections, they found it,” Nishtha recalls. “He was then hospitalized for two months, with one month of him being on a ventilator.”
Nearly two years have passed, and Keshav is back with his family, but his battle for recovery continues incessantly. The vibrant, inquisitive, and spirited boy his parents once recognized now finds it challenging to muster a smile. The anoxic brain injury he endured has led to the diagnosis of epilepsy and spastic quadriplegia, necessitating the use of a g-tube for feeding.
Keshav also has trouble keeping his oxygen at normal levels, so his parents have tried some non-traditional therapies in addition to a conventional approach to recovery.
“Right now, we’re are seeing a difference using our home hyperbaric chamber, red-light therapy and a vibration plate,” Nishtha told us. “I found the vibration plate is helpful to reduce his seizures by increasing the blood flow in his brain which ultimately creates better oxygen levels.”
Vibration therapy, although it might seem unconventional, is indeed a scientifically supported therapeutic approach. Keshav’s parents noticed that the vibration plate offered enhanced blood circulation, reduced seizure activity, and improved respiratory function. Additionally, the vibration therapy stimulates sensory receptors within Keshav’s muscles and joints which can improve proprioception, which is simply the cognitive awareness of body position.
However, it’s important to note that individual responses to vibration therapy can vary, and consulting with a medical profesional, such as a pediatrician or physical therapist, is essential before incorporating any new therapy or exercise regimen, especially for children with specific medical conditions like cerebral palsy.
Keshav lays on the vibration plate that’s covered with a comfortable blanket.
When Nishtha reached out, she was only able to use a vibration plate a couple times per week when Keshav was at his therapy appointments. This wasn’t very helpful, as he needed access to the device multiple times a day to supply the desired benefits. Insurance would not cover the device either, as they didn’t deem it medically necessary.
Thanks, as always, to our donors, Holton’s Heroes was able to purchase Keshav his very own Vibe Plate to be used at home whenever needed.
“We see with the help of the Vibe Plate that his oxygen quickly gets better and his seizures are greatly reduced,” Nishtha reported to us. “It also helps him to move his enormous secretions and gets him to cough which relaxes him afterwards.”
We are only able to continue to help kids recovering from brain injuries with your personal support. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift directly to our foundation today. You can donate safely here.
Make sure to visit us on Instagram to see video of Keshav using the vibe plate at home.
“Thank you for helping our family get this device for our home.”