Our organization was already following Carter's amazing journey on Facebook when we realized we had the opportunity to help. After all, Carter is no ordinary young man.
He's an 8-year-old boy that—thanks to a law passed in his honor named Carter's Law—has helped countless children in Arkansas by promoting awareness and education about shaken baby syndrome in all birthing centers and hospitals in the state.
Carter Fowler was shaken by his biological father at only 5 weeks of age. While his father received a 32 year prison sentence, Carter received a life sentence worth of brain injuries.
After both of Carter's biological parents lost legal custody, the Fowler's adopted him from foster care. He now lives with his forever-parents Diane and Clifton Folwer, along with his two older brothers, Brady, 31, and Artie, 16, who are also both disabled. Carter additionally has two older sisters and an impressive following of over 70,000+ fans that literally helped change the world around us for the better. We invite you to follow his family's story here.
From the little you know of the Fowlers, they are obviously amazingly, loving parents. When they recently posted about their struggles to get insurance to pay for an expensive medically necessary FAA-approved car seat, Holton's Heroes was more than happy to help by acquiring it for Carter at no cost to the Fowlers.
"This car seat will give Carter the ability to be out in the community more," Diane told us. "We have United Healthcare insurance and a special needs car seat is not a covered expense."
However, it's giving Carter the chance to safely fly that will ultimately prove to be the biggest benefit. "We were able to get Carter an appointment with a very special cortical blindness specialist, Dr. Roman, in Pennsylvania," Diane told us. "It is much too far for Carter to ride safely in a car, so he must fly to this appointment. Because of this gift from Holton's Heroes, Carter will make this appointment now. [We are] so extremely thankful!"
"The happiness of knowing your child will have a safe car seat for daily life or for opening doors to amazing new adventures is priceless!"
We couldn't be more proud to help this family and will continue to follow Carter's journey as he moves forward in life.
“Organizations like Holton’s Heroes are so helpful. They give families of kids [like Carter] hope when their own insurance has failed them.”

We are Holton's Heroes, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping pediatric brain injury survivors get the tools they need to succeed in recovery.
Holton's Heroes sponsored three incredible campers to attend the 2018 summer session of Camp Cranium—a camp dedicated to providing a one-of-a-kind experience for children with brain injuries.